ARabbitEyescover  UsagiNoMeCover

A Rabbit’s Eyes traces the development of Fumi Kotani, an idealistic first-year teacher who strives to reach the hearts of her students—especially Tetsuzō, a nearly autistic boy who lives with his grandfather on the compound of a garbage disposal plant located near the school.

As Ms. Kotani becomes more involved in Tetsuzō’s life, and the lives of the other disposal plant children, she begins to change her views about education and life. Though she struggles to teach her students how to read and write, she learns from them how to live more passionately. Most importantly, she learns from them the meaning of true “kindness,” which, in Haitani’s view, entails both a sympathetic sharing with others and a determination to resist mainstream prejudices.

Usagi no me was first published in 1974 and was made into a movie in 1979. You can watch the movie on YouTube here:

MOVIE VERSION of Usagi no me.

Reviews of A Rabbit’s Eyes can be seen here:

The Complete Review

The Village Voice

East Bay Express

The Japan Times

Here is the publisher’s
publicity page:

Vertical Press A Rabbit’s Eyes